†MI Introduction Information
†Daily MI Renewal Prayers
†SAINT MAXIMILIAN MARIA KOLBE, was born in Poland in 1894 and at about the age of 9-10 had a vision of the Immaculate Virgin Mary. She offered him a white crown and a red crown, representing purity and martyrdom. He chose
both, a foreshadowing of his life to come. In 1910, he joined the Conventual Franciscan Order. He was sent to study in Rome where founded the M.I. on October 16, 1917.
Ordained a priest in 1918, Father Maximilian returned to Poland and began his untiring missionary activity, starting a monthly magazine and establishing two evangelization centers dedicated to the Immaculate Virgin: Niepokalanów, the “City of the Immaculata,” in Poland, and Mugenzai no Sono in Japan, and envisioned missionary centers worldwide. To better “win the world for Christ through the
Immaculata,” the friars utilized the most modern techniques. St. Maximilian used shortwave radio and planned to build a motion picture studio. In 1939, during WWII, at Niepokalanów he welcomed thousands of refugees, especially Jews. In 1941, St. Maximilian was arrested by the Nazis and taken to the Auschwitz concentration camp. There he offered his life for another prisoner and was condemned to slow death in a starvation bunker. He died on August 14, 1941, with an injection of carbolic acid. Pope John Paul II canonized him as a Saint and Martyr of Charity on October 10, 1982. St. Maximilian Kolbe is considered a patron of journalists, families, prisoners, the pro-life movement, the chemically addicted and those with eating disorders.
St. Maximilian was a ground-breaking theologian. His insights on the Immaculate Conception anticipated the Marian theology of the Second Vatican Council and further developed the Church’s understanding of Mary’s role in God’s Plan of salvation. His Marian thought re-echoes in the Marian teaching of both St. John Paul II and Emeritus Benedict XVI.
Here we hope to give a detailed timeline in the hope to share the heroic life of the humble man with a deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate. What we found most important in the whole life of this Catholic saint is the fact that Fr. Kolbe did not live for recognition or praise, but only desired to grow little and hidden under the mantle of our Blessed Mother. This what found as the base if his Marian teachings, and is in contradiction with those in this age who use St. Max for their promotion of 33 days of preparation.
—1894, JANUARY 8th: RAYMOND KOLBE is born to Julius & Maria Kolbe in Zdunska Wola, Poland. He would be immediately taken to Assumption parish the was baptized as a child of God in the Roman Catholic Church. The Assumption of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, would later be a significant Marian Solemnity with his passing from this earth and into heaven.We would also like to pint out that young Kolbe and Saint Thérèse of Lisieux were alive for three years before Thérèse suffered and died of tuberculosis. A symptom Kolbe would later contract and would be told he would have limited time to live. We find that the three years that these two saints share on this earth as special, since Kolbe would have a great devotion to the Little Flower, and it would seem as though Thérèse would likewise have fond feelings toward this little knight through her heavenly intercession.
Birth / Baptism
—1902, JUNE 29th: YOUNG EIGHT YEAR OLD RAYMOND would receive his fist Holy Communion at the parish of St. Matthew Catholic Church in Pabianice, Poland.
A very special day in the life of Kolbe, for the Holy Eucharist through the Immaculate Virgin Mary is who this young child would exuberate throughout his life, especially at the end when the darkness in the world was at its greatest.
First Holy Communion
—1903: AT THE AGE OF NINE RAYMOND would have a spiritual experience that set him in the direction he would follow the rest of his life. Known as a good and prayerful son, his parents only struggle would come when he would act mischievous from time to time. One day in particular, his dear mother got so frustrated with him, that she would ask him a serious question, "What is going to become of you?" ....
The Two Crowns
Reluctant at first to say anything, young Raymond begin to tell his mother of heavenly apparition he would experience while praying at their parish church.
Inspired By Preaching Franciscans